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Teeth Whitening – Sparta, NJ

Dramatically Brighter Smiles the Easy Way

Woman with bright smile

White teeth are extremely powerful in our society. One quick search on the internet will reveal study upon study showing that when someone has bright and beautiful teeth, others tend to judge them as attractive, friendly, and intelligent. Fortunately, getting a smile that truly shines is nice and simple at Gentle Dentistry Sparta thanks to Zoom! teeth whitening. Whether you want to brighten your teeth in our dental office or at home, the end result will be the same: a smile that instantly lights up any room you’re in! To schedule a whitening appointment, contact us today.

Why Choose Gentle Dentistry Sparta for Zoom! Teeth Whitening?

  • In-Office & Take-Home Treatments Available
  • Over 70 Positive Reviews on Google
  • Able to Eliminate Stains Caused by Coffee, Wine, Tobacco, & Aging

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Are you interested in whitening your teeth? If so, you’ll be happy to hear that the in-office and take-home whitening treatments we offer at our office can effectively lift stains from dark-colored beverages, like coffee, as well as tobacco use, certain medications, and the natural aging process. So, take the next step toward your dream smile: schedule a consultation with one of our exceptional dentists! Once they know the cause of the discoloration, how pigmented the stains are, and what your aesthetic goals are, they can determine which cosmetic dentistry treatment (or treatments) are ideal for you.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

We offer two options to our patients in Sparta: in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments. Below, you’ll find some helpful information on each, but don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or want to learn more about a specific service.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you have an important event coming up just around the corner, then our In-Office Zoom! Whitening treatment will help your smile look its best just in time for the big day. A powerful bleaching gel will be applied to your teeth, and then we’ll expose it to a special light that slightly heats it up. This enables it to break up any stains on your teeth as quickly as possible. In as little as an hour, we can make your teeth six to eight shades brighter, meaning you’ll feel nice and confident right when you need to!

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Want the convenience of an at-home whitening treatment without the underwhelming results? At Gentle Dentistry Sparta, we can give you the power of Zoom! right at home. We’ll provide you with a kit that consists of mouth trays as well as Zoom’s bleaching gel, which is much stronger than anything you’ll find on store shelves or online. Just use the kit daily as directed, and you’ll see your teeth become lighter and lighter. Keep going until you reach your perfect shade, which for most people only takes about two weeks!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

By going to our office for treatment instead of using store-bought products, you’re already choosing a whitening solution built to last much longer than average. However, the results of your whitening will depend on how well you care for your smile. By taking steps like regular brushing and flossing, you can extend your whitening results. Typically, the effects of treatment will last between 3 and 6 months, but this will also depend on the kinds of foods you consume. Try to avoid food rich in color that can stain your teeth like wine, pasta sauce, coffee, and more. It’s also important to quit unhealthy habits that can stain your teeth, like smoking.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Woman pointing to smile after teeth whitening in Sparta

Are you still curious about teeth whitening? At Gentle Dentistry Sparta, we want all of our patients to have the information they need to feel confident in their treatment of choice. That’s why we’ve included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening in Sparta. Keep reading to learn more about how we can eliminate stains and discoloration for a beautiful set of pearly white teeth.

Why Should I Visit the Dentist Instead of Buying My Own
Whitening Products?

White teeth are a sign of health, youth, success, and beauty, which is why there are so many different products available. If you’re able to buy teeth whitening from the store, why visit our office for treatment? Primarily, our results are much more effective, giving you a smile that is up to 8 shades whiter in just 1 visit. Plus, we personalize your treatment to match your smile, eliminating any irritation you may experience from over-the-counter products.

Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

At Gentle Dentistry Sparta, our main goal is to provide treatments that are effective and comfortable. We personalize each treatment to match your smile, so there is no irritation on the gums or the rest of the mouth. Plus, we use an extremely safe whitening gel and special lamp for effective yet safe results. For more sensitive smiles, we can even tailor your treatment to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

Can Children Get Teeth Whitening?

While we provide our whitening services mostly for adults, there are some cases when your child could benefit. Does your son or daughter have discoloration that makes them hide their smile in public? Maybe they’re affected by a yellow tooth that throws off the rest of their smile? In these cases, we can use our professional-grade whitening solution to help your children grin with ultimate confidence. After treatment, their results will help them continue to grow by socializing and smiling with their peers.

Does Charcoal Teeth Whitening Work?

Charcoal teeth whitening has become somewhat of a viral sensation with Youtubers around the world showing their viewers how it can brighten their smiles. Activated charcoal works by clinging to plaque and bacteria and pulling it off of the smile. While it is effective on small surface stains, charcoal can’t reach the deeper discoloration that is below the surface. Additionally, be extra careful if you’re going to use activated charcoal because it can cause abrasion on your smile.